Friday, March 27, 2009

Randy Moller...Comedy Gold

Okay so this is going to be short post, but with good reason. I wish I could say I stumbled upon this but I’m basically pilfering this from my friends at the Kevin and Bean Show. For those of you from out of the area, The Kevin and Bean Show is the morning show on our local modern rock station (KROQ). They’re been at it since I was in Jr. High and I used to listen to it waaaay back in the day but I had fallen off the listening wagon awhile back. However, I started podcasting the show about six weeks ago and have come across a good many odd tidbits here and there. As someone who’s #1 strength is Input (someone who stores away information for later use) this has been good from me. Don’t even get me started on Deathbed: The Bed That Eats People…but that’s for another day…

Anyway, a few weeks ago they brought up the play by play guy for the NHL’s Florida Panthers. He’s a guy by the name of Randy Moller and his trademark is seemingly random quotes, mostly from movies, music and TV shows, that he yells out after the Panthers score a goal and…it’s just fantastic, really. This is what would happen if I ever got a job like this. You know, I would find things to completely entertain me and if everyone else fallowed suit, then great. Mind you, I had a show called “British Blocks with Your Bloke Josh” which ran on this premise. Now since this is something you just have to experience, here are a few video clip montages of his work so enjoy:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stewie, the Cat Who Loves to be Anti-Social

So in my general update blog post from a bit ago, I mentioned things with my cats. Oh and wait, this post is about one of my cats…you have been warned. Anyway, my grey tabby Stewie has, for lack of a better phrase, not adjusted well to the new place. Scratch that, he’s adapted remarkably well to my bedroom and bathroom and that’s about it. I really thought that after over a month he would be fine, but this is not yet the case. By contrast, my black cat Rupert goes anywhere he pleases (even getting into the backyard twice in the past few days), doesn’t mind the two new cats at all and is basically running the joint. Stewie has been perfectly fine with sitting in a cold dark room at night because he doesn’t want to deal with the other cats and this has to stop.

With all this said we decided last night to move Stewie and Rupert’s food and water bowls out into the family room so that Stewie would be forced to come out into the common area. He didn’t seem too happy about things if I can go off of his reaction while I tried sleeping as he was extra meow-y and was running around a bit. *meh* He’ll get over it but I felt if I didn’t do something about it he would never change and I think he’ll be MUCH better once he can trot around the place in freedom and triple the number of play mates. We’ll see…I’ll let you know.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Top 5 Strengths

Most of you know I’m a bit of personality test/survey guy. I have a need to totally understand my world, my past, present and future as well as just what makes me tick. Other than common assessments such as the Myers-Briggs inventory, it had been awhile since I had tried something new. As mentioned in my previous post, my Thursday night small group through Mosaic is on hiatus for the month of March as we are going through a course in Pasadena based on the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. In preparation for yesterday’s class I took the online assessment to see where I fit in. It’s a 177 question assessment where you only have 20 seconds per question as they go on the (probably correct) notion that your initial response will most likely be the most accurate. After the assessment is over, there’s some crazy algorithm that figures out your top 5 strengths (out of a possible 34) with detailed descriptions. Out of this the idea is that by knowing your top 5 strengths, you can see the most growth by focusing primarily on those areas while concurrently shoring up your weaknesses. Anyway, with all that said, here are my top five strength themes (with brief explanation) in descending order…

5). Connectedness: People strong in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

Yes…I’m always looking for connections in my world how the things I have gone through have made sense, although it’s a double edge sword as I have some big-ish stuff that I still don’t see understandable connections for so it’s not all sunshine and flowers but definitely one of the ways in which I operate. This then also goes hand-in-hand with past blog posts on synchronicity and how, at times, my life just lines up perfectly.

4). Intellection: People strong in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.

I suppose this is self explanatory…although to expand from the full description given in the assessment something that popped out to me is that those who have this theme can become disheartened and disappointed between the thoughts and ideas conceived and the reality set before them. For me I have to temper these things and understand that I can’t do everything and that sometimes crappy situations result from things outside my control. Not that I am a control freak but I know I have the tendency to blame everything bad on myself and not take some situations as that they might be due to other factors.

3). Belief: People strong in the Belief theme have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life.

Yes, this is very true and it does go well with the last point I made on Intellection. For me, I have certain defined purposes that have become lodged in my brain (how I can affect the world positively, living said life with a partner, etc.) and I find myself getting very frustrated because I feel like I’m not living out all my purposes despite my best efforts. On the plus side, it does mean that you know what you’re going to get from me. Out of these convictions I’m about as steady as one can be and those in my life do not have to worry that I’m suddenly going to change who I am and what I’m all about.

2). Harmony: People strong in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don't enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

On the front, this is very much me. I HATE conflicts, disagreements and the like and I get totally bent out of shape when I’m in the middle of them. I really strive for harmony and situations or relationships where I feel disharmony has become a centerpiece rip me up internally. Now I did say “on the front” simply because in discussion last night about this theme, the facilitator mentioned that even though it is harmony, most people with this theme hate disharmony so much that they will, more often than not, get in the middle of conflict knowing that by doing so harmony can be restored. Yes, this might be true but whenever I’m in those situations my brain leaks all over the place and I don’t do well at all usually.

1). Input: People strong in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah…pretty much. It was described last night that people with this theme are sometimes seen as having gigantic mental catalogs of information they have stored away for use throughout a variety of situations. Now I’ve always described this as, “I’m a fount of useless information” but this sounds better. The more detailed description also states that those with this theme have a wide range of interests because they find so much of life interesting. I suppose that’s one of the reasons why I can go from sports to theology to music to relationships to whatever the way I do because I really am interested in much so this does fit.

Anyway, I just thought I would share a little of what I’ve learned about myself so far in this process (two more class meetings to go) as it’s been somewhat eye opening.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bits and Pieces

Okay well since I’m not in the best blogging mood but wanted to get something out, here is a synopsis of a few things I’ve done/needed to do recently:

Two weeks ago I went to a wedding with my friend Susie for a good friend of mine I’ve known since Jr. High. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony in perfect weather so you couldn’t ask for much more. The reception was awesome as we went though like nine courses of food over the course (no pun intended) of 4+ hours. So it was a good time fun, both of us seemed to enjoy the festivities and I’m glad I was able to make it.

I did move…but that’s for another blog once I’m finished getting settled in and can take some pictures of the settled place. I’m almost done but still have to arrange my books and CDs, which is quite the task. But more on this in a week or so.

I need to do my taxes. Aunt Pat, the forms are coming…soon…promise.

The cats are still somewhat freaked out about the move. Rupert will, when I’m home, walk around the house and largely holds his own when the two new cats (Fuzz and Nefi) are around. Other times he just freaks out and does some daft thing like throw up. I can’t really get Stewie out of my room although the other day Fuzz (a 5 month old male) was just a couple feet away and he didn’t mind…at least initially but it’s better than immediately hissing and making un-godly noises from the bowls of his stomach like he has been. My roommate Christina and I pulled him into the family room last night, much to his chagrin, but we decided that if we didn’t force him to get used to the place he would be content to just stay in my room indefinitely when there is a world of wonder just outside the doorway. We’ll see how it goes…

I just started a four week course through Mosaic called Strengths Finders which is a program from the good folks at Gallup that identifies your top strengths and how you can cultivate those into growth in your life from professional to personal. This is taking the place of my regular Thursday night small group and most of the small group members are attending so it’s been good.

Lastly, I went on a date on Sunday which I thought went really really well but I’m historically not the best judge of these things. Remember I’m the guy who went on a five hour long date last year with someone, thought it went well and she let me know she didn’t think we were a match. Ummmmmm…so why did you hang out with me for over five hours? Dating is too confusing and don’t get me started with all the rules and mumbo-jumbo that I stumble through. I take the view that anyone who’s going to truly get to know me and see the value there will get past my awkwardness and that things will work despite my best efforts of getting in my own way. One can hope ; )

Anyway, that’s about all I have. Until we meet again…

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Rex Streak

Ok, so it looks like I'm back to blogging. Sorry I had a bit of a detour there but with moving, work stuff, lady stuff and lot…I’ve been busy. I also was a little overwhelmed with all the options given by having a blog here and I wanted to put forth an admirable showing before stepping back in.

Anyway, I’ve taken to podcasting in the past year, which has been nice as I’m no longer tied to catching things when they first air. I suppose that might make my iPod a DAR (Digital Audio Recorder?) in some respects so now I’m no longer tethered by time.

One of the four podcasts I subscribe to is the Jim Rome Show. Jim, and I know I’ve mentioned the program on my old blog, is a nationally syndicated sports talk show host but there’s so much more than that. There are people who apparently listen who don’t even follow sports as he’s a pretty entertaining talk show host but this isn’t getting us to the point of this blog post.

A few weeks ago, Jim inadvertently had a three day span when he interviewed a different guy named Rex. No one at the show even thought twice about it until a caller pointed this out and Jim made the decision to see how long this could go. Since then, and through today, there have been 15…yes 15…straight shows in which someone with the first name of Rex has been interviewed. This is great. I don’t think I’ve ever met more than a few people named Rex in my life and Jim has somehow found 15 guys named Rex in the sporting world to a row.

Now, the interviews haven’t been the kind that I would normally listen to, as I’ve mostly skipped past them. However, it does make me wonder a few things. Is there currently a sitting record for a streak like this? What other names would be good (submissions are welcome)? Should I name my firstborn Rex?

Anyway, go here if you want to see the full list of Rex’s and it killed me when I navigated to the Jim Rome Show homepage today to see that they now have a running clock counting down to the next “Rex” interview. Fantastic…