Monday, June 22, 2009

Stepping Up To The Call

The one thing I will say about life, and the situations God puts before us, is that you never know when He is going to call you for something specific. Because of that, we have to remember to be willing and OPEN to whatever direction He points us in. I was just reminded of this fact in the last few days and it’s had a profound affect on me. Because of the nature of this kind of forum, but most importantly because of the nature of the situation at hand, I’m not at a place to give any details here so be mindful of that. I can say that I found myself being the only person someone very close to me felt they could go to in a time of major crisis and after a few intense days of communication and patient waiting, it looks like the initial steps have been taken so they’ll receive the proper help.

It wasn’t how I though my week was going to shape up but sometimes we’re called to something specific and, with His guidance, you take the proper steps to follow that call. It actually was the first time in years where I felt the Holy Spirit move in my life profoundly and I innately was able to make all the proper calls without thinking twice about how to proceed. Also knowing the full situation now, things could have gone horribly wrong and I would have been completely devastated yet God stepped in right as the moment dictated and for that I’m eternally grateful. God called on me at, what has turned out to be, a life turning moment and I am aware that this will have an effect on the course of my life, even though I’m not quite sure how just yet. I witnessed, and was fully part of, a genuine miracle and that doesn’t happen every day.

Anyway I don’t want to go too long on this, all things considered, but I did want to say a few things. The power of prayer is amazing and God’s timing to coordinate things, even in the worst of circumstances, is breathtaking. Know that not matter what situation you find yourself in, that God finds a way despite our personal failings. Not only that, God has done a masterful job of putting together this community of believers who will stand up with (sometimes for) us right when it’s needed. Because of this community, we’re never truly alone even when the world seems desolate and that everything is crashing around us. Remember that God is good, that He always can find a way for us, and that through Him all things are possible.

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